Neural Lab is an advanced laboratory to design and train artificial neural networks in engineering, business, computer science and technology. Te last Version introduces neural networks in the complex domain (each neuron has two inputs and two outputs, one for the real part and another for the imaginary part); going from the time domain to the frequency domain can be easily done in Neural Lab last version.
Main features:
- The network setup dialog makes the design of artificial neural network straight forward.
- The data set builder allows the creation of training and validation sets.
- The data viewer allows the proper visualization of training and validation sets. Additionally, the viewer can also be used to display the output of an artificial neural network.
- Neural Lab checks for errors on a data set before using it for training; saving a considerable amount of time.
- The activation tab allows testing the artificial neural network in real time. It is possible to compare actual neural network output with the desired target.
- The validation tool helps the designer to efficiently assess the training and the results.
- The data explorer allows manipulating the data without leaving Neural Lab. Prunning, removing, analyzing or adding data can be easily done.
Comments (2)
Developers of such applications make really hard to impossible to use their code. I forgot this is an AI NN's application smart enough to find the input data magically by the application itself, but I can't make it to do so?